Orange Update for 5/19!

Halloo! The latest update for Orange Roulette is available!
The big thing is a major adjustment to some of the gameplay, namely the battle with the Grim Orange.
I was finding in my personal testing that when the stakes are loosened, one can end up spamming the 'Shoot Other' choice. In 'Iron Orange' mode, where it's all or nothing, I think players are more likely to try out their psychic powers or use The Force to winIn 'Easy Orange' you may still experiment with the options, though of course with perseverance you can get to the end. But with the Grim Battle and the 'Grim Orange' mode, I was finding it too easy to rely on just choosing 'Shoot Other' every turn -- I mean why not? It doesn't always work out, but it has a fairly high success ratio from my testing.
SO -- I have added a variant to that mode! Basically using 'Shoot Other' on your turn will swap the choice you have. Currently there is just one alternate option, but I may expand that. Your adversary also has to play by the same rules. I like how it shakes things up!
For those that are playing, let me know what you think! The Grim Mode is my testing ground for adding depth to the gameplay! I would love feedback, good-bad-whateva.

Other changes:
-- spiced-up the choice cards a bit with some new art
-- added some sounds, aesthetic and useful

-- fixed a problem with the sign flame particle system ... problem was totally my fault not Godot's
-- added end game stat for shooting yourself

-- graphical fixes

-- Eyeball Angel character is a little scarier
-- 'Click to Return' for the deadski cutscene

-- and other little things that were annoying me!
Thank you for your time, more to come!

Files 401 MB
Version 9 May 19, 2024


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